75 King Street Bendigo Vic 3550

03 4400 9877


Purchase Instructions

Congratulations on your Purchase! Please complete the following information:

This form is required to be digitally signed by all persons we  represent. Should any party not be with you at the time of completion, please hit save and complete, add their email to the link and the incomplete form will be sent to the other party to check the details, sign and submit. 


Person 1 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding Address


You are not a foreign natural person if you are any of the following:

- An Australian citizen

- The holder of a permanent visa

- A New Zealand citizen holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)

We will require a copy of your visa documentation if you are a foreign natural person.

From 1 July 2019, additional stamp duty of 8% of the purchase price may be payable if you are a foreign purchaser.

Stamp Duty -  Concessions


Person 2 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding Address


You are not a foreign natural person if you are any of the following:

- An Australian citizen

- The holder of a permanent visa

- A New Zealand citizen holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)

We will require a copy of your visa documentation if you are a foreign natural person.

From 1 July 2019, additional stamp duty of 8% of the purchase price may be payable if you are a foreign purchaser.

Stamp Duty -  Concessions


Person 3 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding Address


You are not a foreign natural person if you are any of the following:

- An Australian citizen

- The holder of a permanent visa

- A New Zealand citizen holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)

We will require a copy of your visa documentation if you are a foreign natural person.

From 1 July 2019, additional stamp duty of 8% of the purchase price may be payable if you are a foreign purchaser.

Stamp Duty -  Concessions


Person 4 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding Address


You are not a foreign natural person if you are any of the following:

- An Australian citizen

- The holder of a permanent visa

- A New Zealand citizen holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)

We will require a copy of your visa documentation if you are a foreign natural person.

From 1 July 2019, additional stamp duty of 8% of the purchase price may be payable if you are a foreign purchaser.

Stamp Duty -  Concessions


Title Holding

Where two or more people own real estate jointly, the way in which they hold the property must be specified on the Title Deed. There are two main alternatives in this regard, namely as Joint Proprietors or Tenants in Common.

Joint Proprietors  is the most usual type of holding where the joint owners are married spouses or in a domestic partner relationship. With joint tenancy, upon the death of one of the owners of the property, their share passes to the survivor, irrespective of the provisions and beneficiaries named in the deceased’s Will.

Tenants in Common , the interest of the deceased owner in the property passes along with any other property owned by that person, as provided in that person’s Will. Further, it is technically possible to sell an interest as tenant in common independently of the other owner, which is not possible with a joint tenancy.

List each purchaser on a separate line and their % of ownership next to their name


Discretionary / Unit / SMSF / Fixed


Name of Guarantor & relationship to purchaser - eg. parent / sibling

Property Information

Goods/Items include in the sale

Goods sometimes known as chattels are items that can be removed without leaving any damage.

Items such as carpets, light fittings, internal and external blinds, drapes, and dishwashers, range hoods, swimming pool pumps, TV antennas, portable air conditioning units, portable clothes lines and remote-control devices will remain with a property.

Additional Contact

If you are agreeable to our office discussing this matter with a person who is not a party to this transaction or being registered on title, please advise their name and contact details.


By returning this Instruction sheet to Keane as Conveyancing Pty Ltd ACN 626 454 395 trading as Adroit Conveyancing, I/We am/are engaging them to carry out the conveyancing process on my/our behalf.

I/We hereby acknowledge that costs and disbursements will be incurred from the date that Adroit Conveyancing receives the contract and/or instruction sheet in a matter and I/we agree to pay any Adroit Conveyancing invoice either prior to, or at the time of settlement.

I/we understand that in the event that I/we fail to pay the whole amount due, Adroit Conveyancing shall be at liberty to instruct a collection agency and/or solicitors to recover the monies outstanding under our invoice and that I/We shall also be liable for any costs, charges, commissions and expenses incurred and properly payable by us to such collection agency and/or solicitors relating to the recovery of our invoiced sum.

Any amounts owing to us under an invoice from Adroit Conveyancing and/or under these terms shall be a secured debt constituting a charge against the land for the Property for which the work was performed, or part-performed, by us.  I/We agree and understand that failure to pay any or part of an invoice may result in Adroit Conveyancing lodging a  Caveat over my property for which the work was performed. I/we further understand  Adroit Conveyancing shall be at liberty to add reasonable costs, charges, fees and expenses incurred for the regsitration of any Caveat or Withdrawal of Caveat against me/us.

The signing or use of any documents enclosed herewith and/or forwarding of any further instructions to us in your file shall constitute confirmation and further acknowledgment of receipt of these terms, agreement and acceptance of them in full, including personally guaranteeing by Company Directors of a Company Client.

