75 King Street Bendigo Vic 3550

03 4400 9877


Sale Instructions

Selling a property is often the single largest transaction any of us will enter into. 

As such it is important to obtain the right advice and to provide us with all the details relevant to your sale, to ensure an enforceable Section 32 Vendor Statement is prepared:

This form is required to be digitally signed by all persons we   represent. Should any party not be with you at the time of completion, please hit save and complete, add their email to the link and the incomplete form will be sent to the other party to check the details, sign and submit. 

Material Facts

What is a Material Fact?

A material fact is a fact that would be important to a potential purchaser in deciding whether or not to buy any land. In the context of a proposed sale of land, a material fact is one that influences a purchaser in deciding whether or not to buy any land at all, or to buy land only at a certain price.

As from 1st March 2020, Vendors and their agents cannot knowingly conceal any material facts about a property to a prospective buyer. We have included a link to Consumer Affairs for you to read through.


We request that you bring to our attention any item on this list which is relevant to your property and/or any other item that may be considered a material fact relating to your property.

Person 1 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding address after settlement (if known)

Person 2 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding address after settlement (if known)

Person 3 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding address after settlement (if known)

Person 4 / Contact details

Full Legal Name (including any middles names)

Include area code if not a mobile (no spaces)

Current Address

Postal Address (if different from above)

Forwarding address after settlement (if known)


Discretionary / Unit / SMSF / Fixed


If you are unsure, please verify your situation with your accountant/financial advisor and advise our office accordingly.

Please note that we are not financial advisers or taxation consultants and cannot give advice on these matters. By ticking the boxes regarding GST you are signifying that you have received the correct financial and taxation advice from your chosen financial and/or taxation consultants concerning this property transaction and accordingly, you are hereby indemnifying Adroit Conveyancing from any payments or penalties that you may incur as a result of any incorrect or misleading information inserted on this form.

Rates / Charges / Outgoings


  NB: Our office will order any searching and/or planning inquiry certificates

Type of Property being sold

Service Connections (connected and operational)



Owners Corporation (OC) formerly known as a Body Corporate

Name, contact number and email

INACTIVE (Common Property)

This means that there are no annual meetings, insurance held, or monies received or held by the Owners Corporation, or none of this has occurred within the last 2 years.

If there is no active Owners Corporation but there are more than 2 lots including common property you will be required to provide us with a copy of Public Liability Insurance.

The section 32 cannot be completed without public liability insurance.

Only Subdivisions of two lots are exempt from requiring Insurance. A person cannot sell a lot affected by an owner’s corporation unless the vendor or the owner’s corporation has a current insurance policy in accordance with the s11 od the Sale of Land Act 1962. Where a lot is sold in contravention the purchaser may avoid the sale at any time before the contract is completed.


Provide name of Tenant/s, rent payable at frequency of payment e.g. weekly / fortnightly / monthly? Are there any rent arrears? Is there a bond held?

Notices / Disputes / Orders



Cladding/Combustible Materials

As part of a state-wide audit carried out by the Victoria Building Authority (VBA) hundreds of buildings have been identified as having some degree of combustible cladding. As an owner, you are required to disclose if your property has any combustible external wall cladding, or if you have been issued an Emergency Order, Building Notice or Building Order.

Planning Permits at the property


Building Permits and/or & works at the property


* OWNER BUILDER - An owner-builder is someone who takes responsibility for domestic building work carried out on their own land. If you become an owner-builder, you will be responsible for: ensuring a building permit (if required) is obtained and paying the building permit levy, supervising or undertaking the building work.

In the case of owner-builder works a Section 137B Report is required. The Report must not be more than 6 months old, calculated from the day of sale (date all parties sign the Contract of Sale). This Report is required for ANY structural works undertaken by an owner-builder irrespective of the value of such works.

Domestic building insurance

Domestic building insurance is required for any building works over $16,000.00. It is previously known as ‘builders warranty insurance’, which protects the buyer if you (as the owner builder) die, become insolvent or disappear.

You will need:
• the defects report (noted above)
• domestic building insurance certificates

Domestic building insurance does not cover defects or incomplete work identified in the defect’s inspection report.

Failure to Disclose Owner Builder Works

If you do not comply with your obligations when selling your owner builder home, the purchaser may elect to terminate the contract at any time, up until the settlement date. If any of the warranties that are provided for in the contract are in breach, the purchaser may have an action against you.

Swimming Pools and Spas


By 1st November 2020, all private swimming pools and spas must be registered with the Council. The new laws apply to swimming pools and spas that are capable of holding more than 300mm (30cm) of water. This includes permanent pools, above ground pools, indoor pools, hot tubs, bathing or wading pools and some relocatable pools.

Relocatable pools that do not consist of multiple components and do not require any assembly are not subject to the barrier requirements. An example of such product is a small inflatable pool that requires no assembly other than inflation.


Alarm/Security Cameras and Solar Panels


Certificate of Title

Name of person / Solicitor / Conveyancer / Bank / contact number, email etc



Balance of Settlement Funds

Name of Account: BSB: Account number

Goods/Items included & excluded from sale

Goods are items that can be removed without leaving any damage.

Items such as carpets, light fittings, internal and external blinds, drapes, and dishwashers, range hoods, swimming pool equipment, TV antennas, portable air conditioning units, portable clothes lines and remote-control devices will remain with a property.

Please ensure that you advise your agent (if applicable) of any items to be excluded from the sale

Real Estate Agent

Please contact our office immediately if the Auction date us less than 4 weeks as we require at least 4 weeks’ to prepare the relevant paperwork and order the necessary searches

Separations / Court Orders / Agreements


Additional Contact

If you are agreeable to our office discussing this matter with a person who is not a party to this transaction or registered on title, please advise their name and contact details.


By returning this Instruction sheet to Keane as Conveyancing Pty Ltd ACN 626 454 395 trading as Adroit Conveyancing, I/We am/are engaging them to carry out the conveyancing process on my/our behalf.

I/We hereby acknowledge that costs and disbursements will be incurred from the date that Adroit Conveyancing receives the contract and/or instruction sheet in a matter and I/we agree to pay any Adroit Conveyancing invoice either prior to, or at the time of settlement.

I/we understand that in the event that I/we fail to pay the whole amount due, Adroit Conveyancing shall be at liberty to instruct a collection agency and/or solicitors to recover the monies outstanding under our invoice and that I/We shall also be liable for any costs, charges, commissions and expenses incurred and properly payable by us to such collection agency and/or solicitors relating to the recovery of our invoiced sum.

Any amounts owing to us under an invoice from Adroit Conveyancing and/or under these terms shall be a secured debt constituting a charge against the land for the Property for which the work was performed, or part-performed, by us.  I/We agree and understand that failure to pay any or part of an invoice may result in Adroit Conveyancing lodging a  Caveat over my property for which the work was performed. I/we further understand  Adroit Conveyancing shall be at liberty to add reasonable costs, charges, fees and expenses incurred for the regsitration of any Caveat or Withdrawal of Caveat against me/us.

The signing or use of any documents enclosed herewith and/or forwarding of any further instructions to us in your file shall constitute confirmation and further acknowledgment of receipt of these terms, agreement and acceptance of them in full, including personally guaranteeing by Company Directors of a Company Client.

